
From many traditions, the Wounded Healer stands as an eclectic figure of solidarity to those who are suffering. 

There comes a time in life or career when you know you need to prepare for a major future event, a situation that will require you to rise to the occasion, or when you see the need to spiritually start preparing for the inevitability of death.

Wounded Healers Institute (WHI) is starting to train the first generation of modern healers to help support future generations master this ancient tradition. Based on our research, Healing (as performed by a Healer) is now considered a separate profession because there are foundational differences between what is clinical and what is normal, what is psychological and what is spiritual, what is real or true and what is not. WHI are providing foundational education and re-education on how to become a professional healer. 

We provide the Path of the Wounded Healers as a recovery-informed phase model and approach to help anyone become a healer. Our educational programming is for anyone, community looking for direction or healing. 

We provide comprehensive psychedelic care and as psychedelic re-education center and research institute we help provide accurate information to individuals, families, organizations, and communities. We are here to help you get through life and enhance your quality of life to ensure that you have more quantity of life. We are here to make sure that you get the transformation you want and need in the spiritual healing revolution.

silhouette of pink hibiscus
The hibiscus flower is symbolic of the Wounded Healer.

Out of his doctoral research on trauma, dissociation, and addiction, Dr. Adam created this institute to support helping people understand how and why these three phenomena interact and depend on one another to exist. They also produce the human condition and problematic behaviors that impact lives. The contextualization of addiction as dissociation offers an educational point of view that helps students to learn about how these experiences produce states of healing and prevent moral decay. Addiction as Dissociation Model (ADM) is the foundational philosophical and theoretical basis for the Path of the Wounded Healer, which offers a phase model of care for addressing patterns of developmental trauma, normative dissociative states, and our universal addiction to the processes of life and death. 

Dr. Adam is a spiritual educator and healer. His resume and dissertation can be viewed in our Addiction as Dissociation HERE

You can contact him at support@woundedhealersinstitute.org

Our Mission Statement

As an independent training, consulting, coaching, advocacy, and research institute, our mission is to explore areas of posttraumatic growth and performance enhancement on individuals, families, communities, systems, societies, and cultures when healing or recovering from normative trauma, dissociation, and addiction (through the Addiction as Dissociation Model (ADM)).

Action Statement

We will execute the mission statement through experiential education, personal development, professional growth, and advocacy on integrated findings. We will provide an independent check on the foundations of qualitative and quantitative research.

Social Equity Statement

We believe that all humans deserve individual freedom of choice to live their lives according to their personal values, philosophy, and traditional reasoning. We acknowledge the importance of anti-racism and anti-oppression. We know that this work is imperative for all life and is a pillar of trauma-focused care; however, we believe that in order for one to be truly trauma-informed, one must understand the unconscious processes of dissociation and addiction.

Overview of Addiction as Dissociation Model​

ADM is a functional and operational case conceptualization that defines addiction as dissociation. We arrived at this through qualitative analysis and clinical practice. The implications of trauma, dissociation, and addiction, both normative and transdiagnostic, suggest a similar outcome to the normative range of human experience. We offer an ongoing maintenance program called the Path of the Wounded Healer (PWH) to help provide preventative measures, build resiliency, support maintenance, and enhance your performance. PWH was developed out of our ADM research and takes a holistic approach to maintaining healing states of mind.

Our mottos: "Take it to the medicine"  "Take it to the meeting area"  "Doctor, heal thyself... and we will show you how and will tell you why"  "The collective unconscious is our teacher"  "We are addicted to creating balance." Our elevator pitch is that "we are a mental health gym and spa for developmental trauma, normative dissociation, and universal addictions."

Start Getting Knowledge and Experience with us!

We look forward to hearing from you!