Addiction as Dissociation (ADM) 1-Day Training

ADM was developed by Adam O’Brien PhD and Jamie Marich PhD and is a unifying theory of addiction that explores how the inner-play between trauma and dissociation produce pathological states of addiction. PWH offers ways for paraprofessionals, medical and psychological professionals, and recovery community to learn about dissociated states of healing and to help solidify their right to be called healers. Participants will also learn Meeting Area Screening and Assessment (MASA) and a variety of other helpful and relevant dissociation and addiction-informed skills and concepts, which were developed to support and to help paraprofessionals and clinicians (and clients!) identify with their dissociative and addictive profile, obtain unconscious informed consent, check unconscious biases, and lower treatment resistance. This training is specifically for trauma providers and psychedelic healers who work in or are looking to provide psychedelic care. Any professional healer working in healthcare are welcome to attend. 

Educational Objectives

·      Upon completion, participants will be able to ADM case conceptualization to their personal and professional life.

·      Participants will be able to case conceptualize ADM in their personal and professional life.

·      Participants will be able to name at least 3 considerations of dissociation and addiction-informed care.

Dates: 3/8/24, 4/26/24, 7/26/24

Cost: $150.00 Early Bird HERE ($200.00 after 1/8/24, 2/26/23, 5/26/24)


9am – 10am – ADM/PWH Orientation

10 -11:15am – Dissociation-Informed Care and Addiction-Informed Care

11:30-12:30 – Break

12:30-2pm – ADM Application (Demonstration)

2-3pm – Debriefing

3-3:15pm – Break

3:15-4pm – PWH Phase Model Script (Neurodynamic Neutrality/Therapeutic Dissociation)

            4-5pm – MASA Context and Review

*DISCLAIMER: In this offering, we invite participants to explore their dissociative profiles to better understand dissociation, addiction, and spiritual states of healing. Wounded Healers Institute (WHI) provides state-dependent learning to help providers become knowledgeable in learning from and working with therapeutic dissociation, altered states of consciousness, normative to clinical dissociation, and universal addictions. As we define in our foundational literature (ADM)(O’Brien, 2023), these states of consciousness are readily accessible for clinician to support their use and develop their use of therapeutic dissociation. Our research points toward dissociation making us more grounded, induce endogenous states of healing, and is foundational for supporting our on-going physical and mental health.