Wounded Healer

Recovery Healer

When re-establishing a profession and professional service in response to the shortcoming of another or filling in a societal truth that has failed to be recognized, the new profession, philosophy, and their practice must justify its existence to the other existing professions. In doing so, we define ourselves as different or other, which leads to different societal issues, interpretations, professional conflicts, and tests our philosophical understanding of what is true and what is false. This is particularly true for mental health, which is why we broke it down emphatically (O’Brien, 2024a; O’Brien, 2024b; O’Brien, 2024c).

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Wounded Healer

Recovering Therapist

What is a recovering therapist? A few years back we (this author) socially met a lawyer who first introduced himself as a “recovering lawyer”. To us, by identifying the qualifier of “recovery” from his profession, he was acknowledging that he learned something from his lived experience and was deciding to practice his profession differently. As a professional in the field, his lived experience had made him morally continue to be what he was trained to be, but educated enough by his lived experience to behave differently in his profession (See O’Brien, 2024c for the difference between trained and educated).

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Wounded Healer

Medical Necessity

“Necessity is the mother of invention, but necessity is in the eye of the beholder.” Adam O’Brien Introduction             Medical

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Wounded Healer

What Would You Do?

What would you do if your state licensing board required you to learn something that you were already educated to do (e.g., your masters’ degree program teaches you to diagnose)? We wrote a paper on it (O’Brien, 2024b).

What would you do if other professionals called a primary healing approach a “pseudoscience”, based on the APA’s “research” on the standardization and industrialization of modern psychology to a more rational and cognitive foundation? We wrote a paper on it (O’Brien, 2024c).

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Wounded Healer


“Oh, What a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.” Sir Walter Scott As our mother always

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The Wounded Healers Institute fully complies with all local and New York State cannabis laws, and all federal regulations. We are a risk reduction, mindfulness service and an education company. We do not promote illegal activities or provide resources for obtaining illegal substances or illegal psychedelic psychotherapy services.
The Wounded Healers Institute does not provide or sell cannabis for any aspect of our program, training or events, and it is not a retailer, supplier, manufacturer, reseller, distributor, agent, representative or subcontractor of any cannabis supplier or retailer. Our services do not constitute therapy and we do not diagnose or treat mental health. What we do do is provide access to wellness, posttraumatic growth, and resiliency models to employ the spiritual and developmental model of Addiction as Dissociation and use The Path of the Wounded Healer as our guide.

Please direct any inquiries about our services to support@woundedhealersinstitute.org