Are you someone who is looking for direction and understanding in life both personally and professionally? Do you wish to gain foundational knowledge on universal healing to establish yourself as a modern professional Healer? 

Are you someone who is willing to actually follow the evidence of modern research? Are you hoping to improve your knowledge on what it means to be a trauma therapist, learn to work psychedelic medicine into your life, approach, and practice? Looking to learn how to utilize therapeutic dissociation, or use enhanced bracketing research techniques to develop your researcher mind? Are you looking to learn more about trauma, dissociation, and the Addiction as Dissociation Model (ADM) and The Path of the Wounded Healer (PWH)? Well, this is the place to start or restart your wounded healer journey…

Our admissions process is for anyone looking to gain the recognition of being a Healer. In the Wounded Healer’s educational program, we are educating and training on how to utilize psychedelic medicines into your existing practice or establish yourself as a modern Healer. The definition of this has been illusive throughout human history but it is now time to reclaim this title. 

Our educational program walks you through the basics of becoming a professional Healer, which is supported by our research-focused Addiction as Dissociation Model (ADM). We also provide training in the Path of the Wounded Healer (PWH) which is experiential, embodying, and empowering! We are teaching how to utilize psychedelics, meditation, and wellness principles to support psychedelic integration and trauma healing. 

We teach the Meeting Area Screening and Assessment (MASA), trauma resolution methods with meditation and healing audio companions, to help build resiliency with our Principles of Conditioning. We train in therapeutic dissociation with Mindful Dissociation and help all participants learn and master memory reconsolidation for developmental trauma, normative dissociation, and universal addictions. At our more advanced paths, we explore our Enhanced Bracketing Techniques to help enhance your performance. 

Our mottos are “Doctor, heal thyself… and we are willing to take you with us” or “Take it to the medicine” or “Take it to the meeting area”. We see that “The collective unconscious is our teacher” and “We are addicted to creating balance in the world.” “We are here to bring you back to now.” “At the end of the day, we are also educating on how to die.”

Our elevator pitch is: “We are a mental health gym and spa” or the longer version “We are a mental health gym that supports people in healing their developmental traumas, normative dissociation, and universal addictions. We educate on our model to help you strengthen your resolve and to keep you the best provider you can be.

Through discourse, self-work, regulation, and preventative regulation measures, we help you solidify the Wounded Healer that you are or were meant to become. We help you develop and sharpen your therapeutic dissociation skills by creating a qualitative learning environment to let you explore consciousness and unconsciousness with cannabis products, meditation, breathwork, and creative expression. We educate on navigating dissociative states or altered states of consciousness and how to activate innate states of healing. All human beings have access to these healing states. 

Our admissions process involves our 2-hour screening and assessment ($500) w/ qEEG Scan. Contact us at support@woundedhealersinstitute.org to schedule with us directly. If you are interested in joining our classes, this is required.

We typically have 3 categories of people who are contacting us…

1) For people who are looking for ongoing psycho-education on the Addiction as Dissociation Model (ADM) to satisfy their personal or professional curiosity, we offer our FREE ADM introductory class HERE. We will also be offering workshops and online classes, or we can create a personalized and individualized educational path for you (1:1 education). These educational services are usually for parents, caretakers, organizations, communities, professionals from other disciplines, or informed citizens looking to understand our stance on addiction, why it is important, and how to implement the solutions into your life. These requests fit more with our healing, coaching, or consulting models of service. You can access information regarding our Healing and Consulting. Fill out the application HERE

2) For professionals and informed citizens looking to become more proficient in their craft, we offer our Path of the Wounded Healers for professionals, self-help, communities, organizations, corporations, and companies. Fill out the initial contact form HERE 

3) For practicing professionals or clinicians looking to join or work with our team because you have heard of our work and are ready to start learning from us… Our training program is outlined below. See the chart below to see the path before you… WHEN YOU ARE READY APPLY: HERE

*Please review and research the whole admissions process before applying.*

WHI Path of the Wounded Healer (PWH) Training Program:

Program Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
PWH 1: Regulation Topics:
1. Mindful Dissociation
2. Neurobio-Dynamic Neutrality
3) Therapeutic Dissociation
1) Opening Orientation ADM/PWH
2) Breath
3) States of Healing
4) Informed-Care
1) Meeting Area w UIC & Hx taking
2) MR
3) Breath/CBD
4) ASC and Psychedelics  
1) Meeting Area script
2) Two Containers
1) Meeting Area w/ Bulk Blink 1) Self-care
2) Skill building/ Conditioning.
Resiliency Building.
Closing Ceremony.


PWH 2: Memory
1. Care Planning
2. Memory Work      

Opening Orientation/ Review. ADM/PWH Resetting Orientation/ Affect Circuits   PWH Script 1) Develop Tx/Inter-gen 2) Normative Dissociation 3) Universal Addictions     Parts Self-Work   Toxic Shame     Healthy Shame   Positive Psychology   Recovery 1) Self-care
2) Skill building/ Conditioning.
Resiliency Building. Closing Ceremony


PWH 3: Healing
1. Advanced Memory Work
2. PTG/ Dissociative Lands
3. Recovery    

Opening Orientation/ Review PWH Psychedelic Care   Clinical Dissociation and Addiction Disorders   Advanced Aspects of Dissociative and Addiction Memory PTG Gym/Spa   Recovery Memory Network   1) Self-care
2) Skill building/ Conditioning.
Resiliency Building.  Closing Ceremony.


PWH 4:
Rabbit Hole Consultation EBT
CIT and
AC Path  

Opening Orientation/ PWH and Consultation Consultation EBT Rabbit Hole Into the night Rabbit Hole 1) Self-care
2) Skill building/ Conditioning. Performance Enhancement.
Closing Ceremony.

ASC = Altered-States of Consciousness – AC = Approved Consultant – CIT = Consultant in Training – EBT = Enhanced Bracketing Techniques – MR = Memory Reconsolidation – PTG = Posttraumatic Gym/Spa – UIC = Unconscious Informed Consent

Certification and Professional Paths and Criteria

PWH Trained Complete PWH 1 and PWH 2 3-hours of individual and 10 hours of group. Participated in all practicums In good standing with WHI and policies. PTG membership available for $500

PWH Certification  
Complete PWH 1, 2, 3, Application $150   6 hours of individual or 30 hours of group consult over the course of PWH 1-3* *5 yr limit 200 hours session time   LOR At the end of PWH 3 in Final Interview w/ Adam Maintain Active PTG Membership $200 yr w/ active solos and volunteering  

Consultant- In- Training
Complete PWH 4 6 hours of individual/10 group consultations 100 hours session time   Final Interview w/ Adam Maintain Active PTG Membership $200 yr  

Approved Consultant

Complete CIT Application $150  

6 hours of individual/10 hours of group consultations

100 hours session time

Needs WHI Approval

Maintain Active Rabbit Hole Membership $200 yr

Train-The- Trainer/Adjunct Faculty
N/A Complete AC Shadow 1 Round of PWH 1-2 50 hours of training time Needs WHI Approval Final Interview w/ Adam Maintain Active Rabbit Hole Membership $200 yr

PWH Faculty
TBD TBD TBD TBD Maintain Active Rabbit Hole Membership $200 yr

PWH Senior Faculty


The Wounded Healers Institute fully complies with all local and New York State cannabis laws, and all federal regulations. We are a risk reduction, mindfulness service and an education company. We do not promote illegal activities or provide resources for obtaining illegal substances or illegal psychedelic psychotherapy services.
The Wounded Healers Institute does not provide or sell cannabis for any aspect of our program, training or events, and it is not a retailer, supplier, manufacturer, reseller, distributor, agent, representative or subcontractor of any cannabis supplier or retailer. Our services do not constitute therapy and we do not diagnose or treat mental health. What we do do is provide access to wellness, posttraumatic growth, and resiliency models to employ the spiritual and developmental model of Addiction as Dissociation and use The Path of the Wounded Healer as our guide.

Please direct any inquiries about our services to support@woundedhealersinstitute.org